Parents, Kids, and Families
Being a parent in the 21st century is a challenge like no other. Families today are more diverse than they have ever been in American society, and that is wonderful. It can also be tough, and for most of us, we’re treading new ground compared to previous generations. Our kids face pressures of social media, school, peers, academics, and deadly substance abuse while at the same time we as caregivers face job stressors, economic pressures, elder care, social unrest, injustice, climate change, our own childhood and upbringing, expectations, and threats to our very way of life. Those pressures and stressors can’t help but spill out into our living rooms and kitchens, and it’s a lot for any one person or family to handle.
If you’re looking for positive solutions that can help improve your family or parenting life, I’d love to connect with you and talk about what you’re experiencing. Sometimes we have a strong desire to parent differently than we were parented, and yet knowing how to do that—or even where to start—seems completely overwhelming and out of reach.
Perhaps you’re looking to improve your communication in your home and family life, or maybe you’re the middle of the “sandwich generation” and dealing with both kids and aging parents. Maybe you’re a parent of a child with special needs or are fighting a school system that just doesn’t seem to “get it.” Maybe your teen is throwing you for a complete loop (every answer is “I’m fine!”) and you’re not really sure how to reconnect. Perhaps the stressors of life are making it hard to be the parent you want to be, to find the time to devote to your family while still earning a living and making those ends meet that seem to always be farther apart than they were yesterday.
Together we will explore all the stuff that’s coming up in your life, how it’s affecting you and your family, and come up with options that work for you and your life. We can create positive and lasting change that will help your family for generations to come. It all starts with us.