Leaders and Executives
Executive Coaching:
As an executive, you carry the burdens of your company, employees, and your own personal life, and are undoubtedly strapped for time to devote to any one of these areas, let alone them all. The pressures of the bottom line can squeeze out everything else and leave you feeling empty before you even get to the other problems on your plate, but that doesn’t make those problems go away or be any less real than the others. How do you find time for it all? How do you fit it all in, and still have something left over for yourself and your loved ones at the end of the day, week, or year?
Maybe developing those leaders below you and preparing them to take on bigger responsibilities is causing friction. We can employ one of the many assessment tools I’m certified in, like CliftonStrengths™ or the Energy Leadership Index™ Assessment and 360 Feedback, and use the results to craft a leadership plan that allows you to really shine using your strengths while addressing blind spots or weaknesses that might be getting in your way. We can work together to strengthen your leadership, identify blind spots that might be causing you or your company problems, and design solutions that will work for you, all the while keeping the health of your company front and center.
Leading from where you are, regardless of the level of responsibility you have in your current role, is essential to your organization’s success. More demands are placed on our public and private sector leaders than ever before, in a world that is changing so fast we struggle to keep up. Our workforce has gone through tremendous change in the last few years, and our teams’ and employees’ needs—personally and professionally—are increasing with that change. How do you lead your teams through it all? How do you maintain your and your company’s values, while responding to this massive adjustment in all our working lives? What ARE your values, and how do you WANT to lead? What kind of leader are you, and are you showing up in a way that is consistent with that desire?
Proving you’re ready for the next step is a requirement before you get a shot at that next step. The question is, how can you prove it? What IS the next right step? How can you craft a plan to keep growing and proving yourself? What new skills might you need to develop, and how can you do it?
I can help you think through the next move you might want to make, how to demonstrate you’re ready for more responsibilities, and improve your communication both up and down the ladder. We can dig into what really drives you as a leader and how you can and might want to contribute in your current or next position. We can employ one of the many assessment tools I’m certified in, like CliftonStrengths™ or the Energy Leadership Index™ Assessment and 360 Feedback, and use the results to craft a leadership plan that allows you to really shine using your strengths while addressing blind spots or weaknesses that might be getting in your way. Maybe these would be great tools for your entire team to explore. Working together, we can discover how you want to lead and then figure out a plan that you can actually use to get you to your goals. Reach out today and let’s get started!
Strategic Planning:
Perhaps you’re navigating organizational change or struggling to adjust your strategic planning in a rapidly changing world. Maybe you need to re-evaluate or even create a new plan to drive your team, department, or entire organization forward. Perhaps those Mission-Vision-Values statements aren’t quite what you want them to be, or need a complete overhaul. Maybe your company would benefit from a Red Team approach, or maybe the right answer is a SWOT analysis. Are you confident you know what activities you should Start, Stop, or Continue? Maybe none of these approaches seem like the right solution to the challenges you’re facing, or these tools aren’t as second-nature in your culture as you’d like them to be. Perhaps your entire team would benefit from using these strategic planning tools and you need a facilitator and trained professional to help guide you and/or your team through the exercises. Maybe your goal is to embed strategic planning in your own leadership and executive suite, as well as your entire organization.
As a coach and critical thinking and strategic planning teacher, I have dozens of tools, frameworks, methodologies, and approaches that can help you develop your own strategic plans and those of your team. I can leverage my deep expertise on these approaches to help design a strategic plan that considers all the factors affecting you and your organization. We can decide which tools or combination of them will best suit your current and future needs, and develop a roadmap to help you get where you want to be, hitting your benchmarks along the way. Whether we use SMART goals or develop something entirely unique to help uncover what your desired end goals are and how to get there, I can help you use strategic planning methods to help you flourish.